In 2024, Netflix is ready to do anything to strengthen its catalog, even if its own productions have been hitting the cards for a few months now: Squid Game, Red Notice, The Witcher (Season 2) or even Don’t Look Up, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence. Throughout the next twelve months, the American streaming giant intends to hit hard and what better than to welcome the film Creed II to get the message across?
Although the saga rocky be a thing of the past and be behind the career of Sylvester Stallone, the legacy of the franchise has well and truly found a discipline to pick up the slack. In 2015, Ryan Coogler imagined a spin-off of the legendary Rocky franchise that would center on the son of the famous Apollo Creed, one of the great adversaries of Rocky Balboa that we find in the four films, and his journey as a as a boxer with his new mentor, Rocky himself.
Following Creed: The Legacy of Rocky Balboa (but also of Rocky IV !) therefore arrives on Netflix and promises a duel at the top, but from a distance! Indeed, if we still find Adonis Creed (Michael B. Jordan) and Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone), this second opus marks the return of an emblematic antagonist of the saga rocky, namely Ivan Drago (Dolph Lundgren) who we came across in Rocky IV. The latter is also responsible for the death of Creed’s father during an exhibition match.
This meeting is in itself an event since the two characters have not met for 33 years and the characters will therefore take advantage of it to settle their accounts: if they are no longer able to fight, the two former boxers will be able to count on their respective foal: Adonis Creed, spiritual son and heir to Rocky’s will, on one side and Viktor Drago, the ruthless champion’s legitimate child, on the other.
Initially expected for the month of November, the film had decided to postpone its date for a few weeks. For those who have already had the opportunity to discover the two parts of this spin-off, remember that a third episode is about to begin the first stages of filming with Michael B. Jordan behind the camera, instead of Ryan Coogler. No return from Rocky Balboa this time: the emancipation of Adonis Creed has sounded.