This is normally the little surprise at the end of each month: Sony announces with great fanfare the new games that will be “given” to all PlayStation Plus subscribers, causing countless debates in the gaming community. Nevertheless, for a long time now, the promotions site Dealabs likes to cut the grass under the foot of the Japanese manufacturer thanks to a well-informed source, the same one in question today. Until now, his leaks have always been true, which inevitably gives him great credibility.
Although tradition dictates that we take a grain of salt while waiting for Sony to become official – which we will do, since internal changes can always happen – the new games for january 2024 are now, a priori, known. Here is the topo.
Three games have been unveiled ahead of time for January, by the leaker in question.

Rather varied genres to sustain the millions of subscribers of the famous service. By the way, since we are talking about this one, remember that according to rumors, Sony reportedly plans to merge it with PlayStation Now in 2024 : three subscription levels would thus be offered, each allowing access to different advantages.
In the most expensive of them, players would thus have access to the classic advantages of PS Plus, but also to everything a catalog of free access games on PS5, PS4, PS3, PS2, PSOne and even PSP. Hallway noise, details of which you can find here.