Shin Megami Tensei V, the latest JRPG in Atlus’ series, is set in Tokyo, in modern times. You play as a high school student who, after a terrible earthquake, wakes up in Da’At, an alternate universe where Tokyo is ravaged by a war between angels and demons. As the protagonist searches for his friends, he is attacked by demons and nearly loses his life, but is narrowly saved by a being named Aogami. They merge and become a Nahobino, a creature neither human nor demon, similar to a deity. He and his friends are sent to Bethel, an agency tasked with protecting humans from the war between angels and demons, and they agree to help the agency save their version of Tokyo after their return. To do this, the protagonist can keep his powers of Nahobino, and his friends learn to summon demons in defense. Soon after they return to Tokyo, demons arise, and it’s up to you to rise to the rank of god to protect – or sacrifice – the world you live in.
The basics
On these pages, you will have access to all our tips to help you get out of the underworld of Shin Megami Tensei V taking stock of the basics of the combat system and the recurring mechanics of the series. You will also find guides concerning the World of Shadows and in particular the fusion of demons.
The World of Shadows
Our Complete Mainframe Solution of Shin Megami Tensei V offers you a detailed guide to the path of the quests essential to the progression of the story. You will find examples of strategy to defeat bosses and overcome abscesses, explanations to obtain all game ends, as well as location of collectibles (Talismans, Miman) of each zone, of which you can also find the dedicated guides below if you want to avoid spoilers.
On the following pages, you can find the complete sequence of side quests for each zone. We explain to you how to get the quest and the conditions to be fulfilled, but also which quest it triggers in turn, if applicable. You will also have access to our guides to overcome the DLC The Half-Demon and the Nine Cursed, as well as videos to help you defeat the different bosses.
Side quests
The Half-Demon and the Nine Cursed
Like any self-respecting JRPG, Shin Megami Tensei V offers a variety of items to collect, starting with the Miman, little red demons that can bring you rewards. You can also consult all our guides to overcome Abscesses and learn Miracles, and to get all the Talismans, petrified demons, and other in-game collectibles. Also remember to take a look at our Compendium, which lists all the demons and their method of obtaining, including special mergers.
The Miman
Other collectibles
Summary of the Shin Megami Tensei V walkthrough