This is the controversy that has covered the world of video games in recent days: does a game necessarily have to be long for it to offer an entertaining experience? A debate generated, involuntarily, by the studio Techland: this weekend, the developers of Dying Light 2: Stay Human announced that it was necessary to invest approximately 500 hours of play to complete the title to 100%. By way of comparison, they take the duration of a journey on foot between Warsaw (Poland) and Madrid (Spain), ie 534 hours of walking. A completion time more than 9 times higher than that of its predecessor according to the figures of HowLongToBeat, site specializing in the inventory of the time necessary to finish the games.
To fully complete Dying Light 2 Stay Human, you’ll need at least 500 hours — almost as long as it would take to walk from Warsaw to Madrid!# DyingLight2 #stayhuman
– Dying Light (@DyingLightGame) January 8, 2024
When sharing this information, many players raised their questions about the content of the game: are we talking about 500 hours of main quests and side quests, or simply collectibles and areas to complete? Last night, the team behind Dying Light 2 made a point of clarifying the hours required to complete the game, depending on the type of gameplay chosen by the player. Some will be reassured:
We wanted to clarify our recent communication about the amount of hours required to complete the game. Dying Light 2: Stay Human is designed for players with different gameplay styles and preferences to explore the world how they see fit.# DyingLight2
– Dying Light (@DyingLightGame) January 10, 2024
We wanted to clarify our recent communication around the amount of hours required to complete the game. Dying Light 2: Stay Human is built for players with different play styles and preferences, to explore the world in their own way. .
According to Techland, it will therefore take twenty hours to complete the game in a straight line and 80 hours to complete the main story as well as the side quests. The more daring and the bravest will need 500 hours to find each collectable, see all endings, all dialogues and all areas.
A challenge that can begin on February 04 with the release of Dying Light 2 on PC, Xbox Series, PS5, Xbox One, PS4 and in a cloud version on Nintendo Switch.

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