Final Fantasy 7 Remake: A fan reimagines the staging, taking inspiration from the original game!


The original Final Fantasy VII is one of those titles very often appearing in the rankings of the most cult games, and its remake was eagerly awaited. If it only relates the part taking place in Midgar, Final Fantasy VII Remake reinvent the game original by changing the grip, the combat system, the staging and the narration, thus offering a real replay of the original game. Nevertheless, many gamers remain very attached to the 1997 PS1 game, and some of them imagine a bridge between these two versions, which are ultimately very different.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake: A fan reimagines the staging, taking inspiration from the original game!

This is particularly the case of Final FanTV who, with the help of a mod, had fun seeing what Final Fantasy VII Remake looks like if a fixed camera is applied to it, and that the original game plans are reproduced in the remake with this camera. Spotted by GamesRadar, the video was produced by the YouTuber using a specific mod created by Otis Inf, and which allows you to manipulate the player’s point of view. The goal? Prove to the modder that the thing is achievable, and therefore that we can potentially re-imagine the entire title by framing it like the base game did.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake: A fan reimagines the staging, taking inspiration from the original game!

For his demonstration, the content creator reproduced the introduction of the game, when Cloud joins the Avalanche team to destroy the Mako Reactor. So we start on the train platform, then follow character progression in the Shinra installation. A few fight sequences are featured, but Final FanTV recommends not touching it too much as they are too big in the remake for it to work properly throughout. Also, he advises modders wishing to tackle this project avoid editing cutscenes, because lighting and asset placement problems could arise.

In any case, it will be necessary to carefully monitor the modding scene around Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade, which was able to begin its work with the release of the game on PC on December 16th. No doubt modders will be able to redouble their imagination to come up with many things, ranging from Final FanTV-type projects to improvements in quality of life.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake: A fan reimagines the staging, taking inspiration from the original game!Final Fantasy 7 Remake: A fan reimagines the staging, taking inspiration from the original game!Final Fantasy 7 Remake: A fan reimagines the staging, taking inspiration from the original game!

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