Visual redesigns of coats of arms
Earlier this year, Riot Games launched a visual overhaul for League of Legends player profiles. Since January 07 and the 12.1 update, ranked armor became ranked coat of arms. Now displayed on the profile page, ranked mode page, match lobby, and friend list, the crest should easily identify any player’s rank. Changes that are obviously not enough, since one of the Lead Designer from Riot Games announced, on Twitter, upcoming changes to Borders, Crests, and Divisions.
We’re working on some improvements to ranked representation in League after all the helpful feedback we received since launch.
First up: We’re adding ranked division displays back to the Lobby, Profile, Loading Screen, and Hovercards. pic.twitter.com/FtjjfenXvS
— Jordan Checkman (@CestDommage) January 17, 2024
On the program therefore, the addition of the division (I, II, III or IV) above the coat of arms of heroes itself corresponding to a rank (Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master, Grand Master then Challenger). Jordan Checkman, the Lead Designer in question, also refers to other changes. He adds that the differences between the Gold and Bronze coats of arms will be more marked in order to better distinguish them, while the borders of the highest ranks will be reworked to be “more prestigious“.
Visual changes to the player profile that are there to set the stage for challenges, a major feature coming to League of Legends. Like the banners of Apex Legends or the Eternals system already present in LoL, players will be able to decorate their profile with emblems collected following the completion of various and varied challenges. : control of the map with beacons, dodging enemy abilities or stealing from Baron Nashor, for example. Although the challenges are already present on the PBE (LoL’s test server), their release date has not been communicated.
Like that of the challenges, it is the release date of the modifications mentioned by Jordan Checkman that is missing. However, we can expect to see them land as soon as the 12.2 update is deployed. It is expected on January 20 and adds Zeri, AD Carry and the 168th character in the LoL cast. This update also includes champion balancing changes, which can be found below:
Patch Preview time!
Because I know y’all will be curious: We’re buffing the wind brothers because they suffered substantially from the Shieldbow changes and dropped to around 47.5% winrate each, a fair bit lower than intended and lower than the other Shieldbow bound fields. pic.twitter.com/aBqPNsy5wD
— Phlox (@RiotPhlox) January 10, 2024