It’s never too late to embark on a video game masterpiece, and the legendary The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is no exception. Released in 2015 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the cult CD Projekt RED title was also the subject of a Nintendo Switch port of tour de force a few years later, and remains as popular as ever with gamers. The craze for the Netflix series The Witcher adapted from the Witcher universe is no stranger to it, as, perhaps, the disappointment engendered by Cyberpunk 2077, the latest addition to the Polish studio, which will clearly never benefit from the aura of the third installment of the saga featuring the iconic Geralt de Riv. Also, if you are late for this huge hit, we suggest you below some tips and tricks to get started in The Witcher 3.

The Witcher 3 is a huge open world, and once the prologue is over you may feel a little lost in this fascinating and gigantic universe. However, many signs are available everywhere and the map shows you their locations: so remember to consult them all, if only to unlock Witcher Contracts or new quests, that will help you gain experience and / or advance you in The Witcher 3 main storyline.
During your long journeys, you will travel thanks to Ablette, Geralt’s legendary steed. However, your mount should be spared as little as possible, otherwise it will run out and you will have to get it to rest to regenerate its stamina. Rest assured, it is possible to gallop without worrying too much about this gameplay component. Just remember to move along the roads that include the immense map of the game as soon as possible, especially since Ablette will automatically move along the roads if you let go of the steering and that will not make it consume any energy!

In The Witcher 3, experience gain is really slow, and it is not easy to unlock skill points frequently for this reason. However, while in-game side quests as well as Witcher Bounties are good ways to gain experience, there is no better way than to resort to energy sites scattered all over the game world. Our guide to The Witcher 3 energy sites will allow you to find all those spread across 6 regions of the map.
It may seem obvious, but The Witcher 3 remains a sometimes delicate action-RPG, and it is better to avoid losing a good part of your progress by launching yourself into a fight whose density or difficulty you do not necessarily yet know. So remember to save well before going into battle, because otherwise you risk coming back long minutes before the confrontation that you will have failed to win.

Dan first, remember to prepare well with good potions and oils to include in your inventory before you go into battle. If you apply the right oils to your blade, you’ll have a better chance of taking down tough enemies. (for example, coating your blade with oil against cursed creatures, you will more easily take down werewolves).
Once in combat, focus on the 3 defense modes offered by the game: parry, dodge and roll:

Geralt of Rivia has a surprising weakness given his legendary robustness in combat (especially in the face of sometimes formidable creatures): he can be seriously injured or even die when falling, and not necessarily from very high. If it is possible to reduce or even cancel fall damage by rolling just a moment before hitting the ground in the event of a fall, this is not a particularly reliable solution, as it requires a good sense of timing and does not constitute comprehensive insurance in all situations. We therefore invite you to be careful around precipices, even small (a fall of double the size of the hero can be fatal!), or even save for safety, like before a fight (see above), when you approach a slightly dizzying area where the risk of falling is high.
As you will understand, Geralt of Rivia can take damage and injuries, and he needs to be healed from time to time. Keeping an eye on your health is therefore vital, but do not forget to regenerate it other than by letting its life gauge go up on its own (because it is naturally very slow). The best technique, available only in the two lower difficulty settings however, is to meditate for an hour in a safe place without enemies: this will allow Geralt to regain all of his health at maximum level, without having to consume resources to heal him. Of course, in the more advanced difficulty modes, you won’t have a choice and will have to consume potions for this purpose.

Like in many RPGs, The Witcher 3 takes into account the weight of the equipment carried by the player, and it will obviously be necessary to constantly pay attention to it, as in a good old Skyrim. You risk overloading Geralt by carrying too many weapons or heavy objects, what your inventory will tell you in the upper left corner, and to no longer be able to run or make a fast trip! Fortunately, it is possible to relieve yourself of your overflow of equipment, especially by selling items to merchants all over the place. However, be logical in your steps: sell the pieces of armor and weapons to the blacksmiths, the ingredients and potions to the herbalists, and so on. It is the merchants who best match your goods who will remunerate you the most effectively!
As in any self-respecting action-adventure / RPG game, the equipment also has a lifespan, and it should be taken care of by repairing it: the more worn your weapons and armor, the less effective they will be! Fortunately, it is not difficult to take care of it: you need a repair kit, which you can buy from blacksmiths or find as a loot in the game’s open world. These kits will repair some of your gear, and if you don’t have any, you just need to go see a blacksmith who will bill you for repairs. But keep that in mind!

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt walkthrough summary