Genshin Impact version 2.4 is available! You can now download the patch, and continue the story of the game. You can think about summoning on the new banners, but also go visit the new game island. We show you how to access it.
The quest “The flood of calm waters”

By logging into the game you will have a new quest in your journal called The flow of still waters. She will ask you to go to Sangonomiya, on Watatsumi Island. So do.

Talk with Tsuyuko who will ask you to go there in view of the urgency of the situation.

Then find it near the altar, as requested. She will ask you to go get 2 seals to activate the portal
Find the 2 seals

The first, the most northerly, is very easy to collect. Go to the place indicated and look against the cliff to see it.

For the second, teleport south, and go a little north, and jump to the left of the cliff. Keep hovering north (you’ll pass the waterfall), then look right next to it to see a passage to a cave. Go to the latter to find Fatui and the 2nd seal.
You will now have to activate the altars.
Activation of altars

Go and activate the 2 altars marked on the map, then go back to talk to Tsuyuko. A vortex will then appear below. Go to the latter to get on Enkanomiya Island ! Finally, for the moment, in a cave …
Exit the cave

Go forward, and do the challenges that will be on your way to collect chests. You will eventually come to a place with a closed door, and a switch off.

Your goal will then be to find 5 seals and activate them. Luckily, these are displayed when you follow the quest. Go look for them in the 5 places indicated, then return to the switch to activate it and thus open the door (do not forget to activate the teleporter).

Take the door and continue through the corridor in front of you (you can go right to challenge it, and find a soul to bring back to its base). Once in the large room with the large pillars, remember to go find the other soul at the top of the first large pillar to retrieve a chest. Then continue straight on until you exit. Here you are, you are free and on the island Enonamiya !