Over 50% off a Corsair helmet ideal for first person shooters


The American manufacturer Corsair is well known in the PC world, thanks to several specialties. The brand indeed offers several types of components (RAM, cooling system, case, power supplies …), but also many accessories. On this last point, Corsair has earned its reputation thanks to very good mice and several quality keyboards. But there is another area where the brand stands out: audio. Corsair therefore offers several models of helmets, often of very good quality and / or offering original features.

Let’s take a look at the HS60 Haptic, a wired headset for PC and console which has the particularity of offering a haptic feedback system at the level of the ears. The launch price of the headset was quite high (129 €), but Boulanger is currently applying a big reduction of 53%, which allows to acquire it for only 59.99 €.

The HS60 Haptic from Cosair stands out first of all by its look, by opting for a military camouflage at the level of its ear cups. We appreciate the imitation leather padding on the headband, which will provide additional comfort on the top of the head. Quite heavy (420 grams), it holds well on the head and will stand out. On the connection side, you can connect it by USB to a PC or with a jack wedge, which makes it compatible with consoles and even a smartphone.

When it comes to sound, the HS60 relies heavily on bass, which is reinforced here by the integrated haptic system. Depending on the game, you will therefore feel slight vibrations (nothing that is not annoying) on ​​the engine noises in a racing game or on shots or explosions in FPS. Immersion is reinforced.

In addition to a very “powerful” sound experience, the HS60 Haptic benefits from a very good quality microphone, which is also detachable. An important point if you are playing multiplayer and need to use voice chat.

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