Quantic Dream is a studio known for its large-scale narrative games : we can easily quote Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls or Detroit Become Human, all figureheads of PlayStation before the studio took its independence a few years ago, carrying its babies on PC. Obviously determined to move up a gear, it seems that the French firm has multiple projects on the fire, including one that would arrive much sooner than you think.

At least, that’s what AccountNGT affirms loud and clear: according to him, Quantic Dream would be working on a cross-gen AAA game (including a big budget, coming out both on the PS4 / Xbox One but also on the PS5 / Xbox Series consoles), supported by the Parisian antenna and which would be published before Star Wars Eclipse. The existence of this last app had precisely been unveiled before the hour by the leaker in question.
He had also claimed in the past that the studio was working on “A social game for mobile under Unreal Engine (something already seen via hiring offers, editor’s note) and a main project for the Parisian team”, which could be the game he’s talking about today. As a bonus, he specifies not to know if it is about the medieval-fantastic project which was the subject of a potential leak., there is still little.
Quantic Dream is working on a AAA cross-gen project, the main team is in Paris. I don’t know if it’s the Medieval Fantasy project but here is the info.
– AccountNGT (@AccNgt) January 5, 2024
Remember that in 2019, the Chinese giant NetEase was investing in the capital of Quantic Dream, allowing the organization to see bigger things differently with a largely inflated budget.
Today, two studios exist: one, original, in Paris, and another in Montreal, Canada. Working simultaneously on several projects therefore does not seem impossible, especially since we are talking about a release in 2025/2026 for Star Wars Eclipse, while the latest game from the company dates from … 2018. And since we are talking about the highly anticipated game of Star Wars, remember that this one could well be related to many development problems : more information can be found in our article here.