Definitely, this week seems dedicated to fans of Assassin’s Creed. After the announcement of a gigantic symphonic concert to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of the franchise (of which you can find all the details at this address), Ubisoft takes the opportunity to release a little news that will delight more than one … or at least, probably: the company is currently working on a patch at sixty frames per second for Assassin’s Creed Origins.
Unfortunately, no further details are needed and the company is simply asking us to “stay tuned” for news very soon. We imagine that like Assassin’s Creed Odyssey earlier this year, This update will bring Bayek’s Egyptian adventure to full force on the next-gen consoles, namely the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X | S. A feature that was in high demand from gamers.

As everyone probably knows, the saga Assassin’s Creed was for a very long time modeled on an annual release rate: an effective formula for a time but which quickly showed its limits, especially for titles whose ambitions were gradually growing. It was only after Syndicate’s lackluster reception in 2015 that Ubisoft decided to revise its policy: opt for a much more pronounced RPG formula and an even larger open world, a cocktail initiated with Origins in 2017.
From there to say that Assassin’s Creed Origins acted as a reboot of the franchise, there is only one step. Not only did the general design of the game change radically, but its context was also implanted in a framework never seen before in the series: that of Ancient Egypt, returning to the first stories of the community of Assassins.
The critical and commercial reception being there, it is on this good momentum that Ubisoft will opt until further notice for a publication every two years, always exploring the RPG dimension with Odyssey and Valhalla. Short, Origins is an essential passage in the history of Assassin’s Creed and for all those who would like to (re) discover it in the best conditions, this 60 FPS patch promises to be more adequate to sublimate his story. All that remains is to wait for a release date.