In the ranks of Battlefield 2042, it is the commotion of combat! After a mixed launch, like its long-standing competitor, Call of Duty, the latest game in the Battlefield saga is redoubling its efforts to make its experience more attractive to FPS fans. Lately, it’s an all-new explosive game mode that has landed on PC, Xbox Series X | S, and PS5 to deliver a healthy dose of action.
We quickly understand that the game is likely to expand over the months – even if the launch has been made with less content than expected -, since it was considered as such by Electronic Arts. Today, it is the launch of the first season of Battlefield 2042 that is mentioned everywhere, following the discoveries of a dataminer, but its launch seems far from imminent.
Battlefield 2042 is gradually entering its first year of operation and, as is often the case in this type of production, each of them will be divided into several seasons. However, a question quickly emerged following the launch of the game: When will the first season of the FPS be rolled out? Difficult to answer this question precisely, especially since Electronic Arts and DICE have not yet communicated on this subject.
However, the recent discoveries of the Temporyal dataminer could allow us to have a first order of ideas. According to his information, retrieved from the game client, the weekly preseason missions – supposed, as the name suggests, to bring content between two separate seasons – should last the equivalent of 12 weeks, or about 3 months. After some quick calculations, it is relatively easy to estimate that Season 1 of Battlefield 2042 launches, at the earliest, in March 2024, which will force the players to show a lot of patience.
Until this potential date, which remains to be taken with a grain of salt pending official communication from DICE and / or Electronic Arts, the developers will have to furnish! For this, preseason supplements will appear in the game from time to time and will take the form of weekly missions or limited-time modes.
A small consolation for the players before the arrival of season 1, but especially the first Battle Pass of the game which will offer some much more pleasant new features. Among them, a new specialist, additions to Portal mode and new locations like an additional map. In this regard, thanks to information gleaned by Temporyal, we learn that the map of season 1, known under the code name “Ridge”, could actually be called “Exposure”.