Our story begins with Eric Barone, a young student passionate about video games. One day, the latter will undertake a titanic task: that of creating his own game without the help of anyone. Whether it is the graphics, the gameplay, the music, he wants to be the only one working on his game. Our man, to reassure his wife who will have to work for two, sets himself a challenge: complete the creation of Stardew Valley in six months. Just that. However, as we will explain in the video, achieving such a feat alone is almost impossible and inevitably requires sacrifice. These are two things that Barone will quickly understand.
But then, did this professional challenge really last only 6 months? For Eric, the answer does not matter, it remains the project of a lifetime. It’s a long road strewn with pitfalls for our developer, but he never gave up, like his companion. He embarked on this obstacle course knowingly and, fortunately, the result was up to the task. After making certain choices, sometimes reluctantly, the glory will finally point the tip of his nose. Years of hardship for a reward worthy of its production. A dream for many designers.
To know everything about the history of Eric Barone and his creation Stardew Valley, you can redirect to the JV LEGENDS video, the link of which is available above. JV LEGENDS is the new format of jeuxvideo.com, available on Youtube every two weeks, Sunday at noon. Remember to subscribe to our channel so as not to miss the next episodes.