Discover all the advantages of PlayStation Now
Find the iconic characters of Mortal Kombat in the most complete game of the franchise. New Kombattants, return of the Classic characters, new customization system … These are the improvements that enrich the gaming experience. The Krypt of Mortal Kombat X is also back with new challenges, as well as the iconic Fatalities, all more gory than ever!

After Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster last month, it’s Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age’s turn to join the PlayStation Now catalog. Entirely remastered in HD and featuring improved gameplay, this twelfth episode takes place in Ivalice, a world beset by many conflicts. You play more particularly Vaan, a young orphan of war whose destiny will cross that of the princess Ashe. An unexpected encounter that will lead them to live a heroic quest and face a terrible empire!

Built like a comic book whose pages unfold as you take action, Fury Unleashed is an explosive roguelike that can be played solo or in co-op (locally and online). Unravel your big blasts, face formidable enemies without taking damage, and help John Kowalsky, the creator of the comic book in which you are the hero, to face his problems of creativity!

And that’s not all: PlayStation Now subscribers can also experience the game of Acton Super Time Force Ultra, the survival game Unturned, and the space expedition game Kerbal Space Program: Enhanced Edition
PlayStation Now allows you to choose from Stream hundreds of PS4, PS3 and PS2 games from your PS4, PS5 or PC ; or download over 300 games to your console. Adventure, strategy and other multiplayer experiences are all at your fingertips.
Discover all the advantages of PlayStation Now