The Matrix Awakens: Panthaa and Kaname Enter The Matrix in this Gaming Live

Xbox Series

Last week we had Panthaa and 87 for the discovery of Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach and the new formula of the software which tries to innovate. Today it’s Kaname and Panthaa who will make you live the The Matrix Awakens experience. If you don’t have a PS5 now is the perfect time to check out this demo and see what goes the new Unreal Engine 5 graphics engine. On the program: beautiful cutscenes, surreal fighting scenes and a sublime ride. All in the cult world of Matrix.

We know that the new generation of console is not readily available to take part in the experience. Panthaa and Kaname will therefore reveal all of this to you. We speak from experience because this is a technical demonstration of Unreal Engine 5, the new graphics engine from Epic Games. New games produced with the UE5 will not be released until early 2024. The first apps with the engine will be HellBlades 2 and STALKER 2. In the meantime, The Matrix Awakens is here to make our mouths water. What’s more, a whole bunch of settings are there to have fun seeing the limits of the 3D engine.

With the new episode of the Matrix saga coming to the cinema, what better universe than this one to offer this futuristic experience? In addition, we will be able to browse different gameplay moments to see the rendering of the UE5 whether in cinematic, in action scenes and during exploration. The Matrix Awakens has been the sensation of the moment since it launched on the day of the Game Awards 2024. Since then, the application is free for both PS5 and Xbox Series. To discover the graphics engine on a PC, it will therefore be necessary to wait for the new softs of 2024.

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