Developed by Nosebleed Games, an ambitious small studio, MADiSON is a psychological survival horror whose goal is to play with our nerves in the purest tradition of the genre: here, the object of predilection is a camera which will allow us to make the bridge between the real world and that of the spirits, obviously with some hiccups in the program. We then find a fairly interventionist game, very inspired by popular games like Layers of Fear or Visage, based on recurring puzzles and effective jump scares. The only downside? The developers have recently been facing a copyright issue over the name “MADiSON”, and are unsure whether the title will be released on January 7th as planned. While waiting for good or bad news, be prepared to see him land in early 2024.

Announced a few months ago, The Anacrusis is a game whose principle is not necessarily very original, but undeniably effective: you have to team up with other players and fight endless hordes of enemies, in waves of difficulty growing. For once, this FPS interferes in the funky atmosphere of the 70s with a sparkling artistic direction, where four protagonists will gather to destroy aliens in a huge ship with distinct zones. This disco shooter is notably piloted by Chet Faliszek, a developer who worked on Portal, Left 4 Dead or Counter-Strike: Global Offensive: obviously, we cross our fingers to have a good surprise.

In terms of gameplay and level design, we might as well say that Rainbow Six has nothing more to prove: Siege is clearly a benchmark in terms of tactical FPS and eSports and is not yet about to run out of steam. Nevertheless, well aware of the potential of a Back 4 Blood or, more generally, of Left 4 Dead and other PvE coop FPS, Ubisoft has decided to interfere with its formula in this specific genre: here is Rainbow Six: Extraction, a title where several players must team up to counter a supernatural threat, infected in support. With its twelve levels (each divided into three sectors with precise architecture), thirteen types of missions, eighteen agents and dozens of technologies to use intelligently in the right place and at the right time, the software promises to be very interesting. . A cocktail that could well combine the finesse of Rainbow Six and the nagging side of the zombie universe.

It was in 1994 that the legendary SNK publisher released Windjammers, an arcade sports game developed by Data East whose success was immediate: after several ports in the 2010s, a sequel was finally started and as much to say as this one. arouses excitement. If we had to summarize the concept, we could say that it is a game of frisbee in top view: in reality, this game with thunderous action is inspired by many disciplines such as tennis or volleyball with an ultra-nervous, accessible and terribly enjoyable side which has nothing more to prove to anyone. Windjammers 2 is for the occasion designed and edited by DotEmu (Streets of Rage 4), supported by an artistic direction faithful to its predecessor and a feeling as raw and as frankly delicious: it is probably the one of the best arcade titles around, so mark its release date on your calendar. In addition, its multiplayer potential is obvious and it is also included in the Xbox Game Pass.