Phil Spencer, the man at the head of the entire Xbox branch, recently spoke to the famous newspaper of the New York Times. A long conversation in which he tackles several subjects such as the metaverse, which continues to make its way among the executives of Microsoft, or even, in this case, the cheating problem. The American did not mince his words and spoke on the subject: they must be banned forever and, above all, from all platforms… at the same time.
There is something we would love to do (…) is that when someone is banned from one of our services, they are automatically banned on other platforms. Or at least, as a player, to be able to bring his blocklist from one network to another.
A cross-platform ban system may well be under study at Microsoft, in order to counter cheaters in a much more efficient way. Note that this is a system already present in the Call of Duty sphere where when a cheater is banned, his Activision account is also banned, preventing him from playing on another console.
Still with a view to providing a healthy environment for Microsoft players, Phil Spencer also touched on other topics. First of all, that of security with, on Xbox chats, an artificial intelligence system to detect if a conversation is turning sour. If this is the case, the proposal to one of the members to indicate the other party appears.
In the same vein, but with a more radical vision, Spencer confessed that he believes political debates have no place on Xbox networks. “We are a platform about video games, we are not going to allow social discourse and that is not why our platform exists”, he blurted out. He believes in particular that political conversations in the gaming sphere almost inevitably lead to conflict, therefore insults and, therefore, against the rules of Xbox Live.
Subjects that will not have finished pouring ink into the video game landscape, despite increasingly ferocious systems to counter these bad tendencies.